
Showing posts from March, 2022

Không gia đình - Nobody's boy (Hector Malot)

  *Vietnamese version below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Narrating a life adventure of Remi wandering in France, "Sans Famille" (English title: Nobody's boy) would leave us with many after-thought: love between human beings, friendship, and perseverance in challenges. Especially for children, this novel will take them on an interesting journey with many meaningful lessons followed by the steps of the characters in the story.

Sapiens: Lược sử loài người

  *Vietnamese version below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After hundred years of evolution, human beings have achieved this modern civilization, surpassing many other animals. Why there is such a huge gap between us and the others. Why humans but not another kind of animal? To answer these interesting questions about human history, we could walk through the rationalized explanation offered by the book: Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind written by historian Yuval Noah Harari.

Suối nguồn - The Fountainhead

   *Vietnamese version below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being listed as one of the novels having controversial rationale related to individualism and collectivism, "The Fountainhead" has brought the readers to a novel perspective of living philosophy which may be different from what we have believed before. Throughout history, humans have tended to live within groups, but ultimately why we should live as independent individuals for ourselves but not for others. While this argument may not have the right answer, still we can look for the direction heading to what we can pursue in life through the story of Howard Roark - the main character of this novel.

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